Home News 2024 AEFMQ Convention

2024 AEFMQ Convention

Celebrating growth and praying for new board members

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The Quebec churches and partner agencies met on March 23rd, 2024 in St-Laurent. Our small size allowed us to have 100 percent representation: every church had at least one representative present. We heard some news from our partner agencies. It was all very encouraging. Camp Péniel is in a season of extraordinary growth. École de Théologie Évangélique du Québec is being presented with exciting new opportunities. And MCC is active with new initiatives specific to our context.

After this, we celebrated the work of our youth subcommittee that presented new policies to protect our most vulnerable church attendees. We then shared a moment of discussion about the various resources we have in our churches.

Finally, we finished our meeting with the usual presentation of the budget, some minor adjustments to our bylaws and the presentation of our need for new administrators going forward. This last point remains a prayer request — our board is very small and some of our mandates are coming to an end in the near future. After our meeting, we had lunch and enjoyed an enriching time of fellowship.

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