title: Incarnational Mission author: Samuel Wells There are four ways the church tends to engage society: working for, working with, being with, and being for.
And the Word became flesh! “And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, …
What does a transformative, earth-honouring Christianity look like at ground level, lived out in daily action? Reforms of personal habits – such as recycling and eating locally and shopping responsibly …
Why should I care for the environment? A lot of Christians today are asking that question, either out loud or in their hearts. We know it’s probably the right thing …
I’m tired of Christmas, and it’s not even here yet. I’m tired of the buying binges and belligerent advertising. The Halloween candy hasn’t been shifted to the discount aisle, and …
Once upon a time there was a Great King who ruled over a vast domain. His power and authority stretched from one of the earth to the other. He lived …