In a Woodrow house church, Wilmer sensed his need for forgiveness, and at 10, committed his life to Jesus. He never wavered. Early in life, Wilmer sensed God’s call, which was affirmed at Briercrest Bible College, Caronport, Sask. After graduating in 1948, he pastored near Bromhead, Sask. Wilmer worked in construction in Regina to raise money to study at MB Bible College, Winnipeg. There, he met Evangeline. After their honeymoon, he pastored Lindal MB Mission for 3 years. Intending to serve in Africa, Wilmer attended Tabor College and Wichita University, Kansas. When health issues changed their plans, Wilmer taught at Herbert (Sask.) Bible School, 1956–57. He directed a weekly radio program of the South Saskatchewan MB Conference. Wilmer was principal and teacher at the MB Bible school in Kitchener, Ont., 1957–1964. He pastored Fraserview until his heart attacks at 37 and 38. As MB Board of Christian Education executive secretary (1967–74), Wilmer started the triennial national youth conference in Banff, which gave him great joy. He was on faculty at Columbia Bible College, Abbotsford, 19 years. Wilmer and Evangeline visited nearly 30 countries, led tours to Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and served on ministry ventures in the Soviet Union, Philippines, and Peru. Wilmer was moderator of Bakerview MB Church for 10 years and president of the Fraser Valley Recovery Association board for 8. Seeing others follow Jesus was his passion.
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