William Schroeder died Feb. 10, 2012. He was born Apr. 8, 1927 at Pigeon Lake near St. Francois Xavier, Man. to Wilhelm W. Schroeder and Sara Doerksen. William grew up in Rosengard, Man. William experienced salvation during childhood and was baptized into Steinbach MB Church at 17. He married Hildegard Enns July 8, 1951. William obtained degrees from University of Manitoba, MB Bible College, and Luther Rice Seminary, Florida. He taught 40 years at 5 locations in Manitoba, as a missionary in Paraguay, and the last 11 at Winkler (Man.) Bible Institute. William was pastor at Domain and Horndean MB Churches, assistant pastor at Winkler MB Church, and moderator and acting pastor at St. Boniface Evangelical Christian (MB) Church, Winnipeg. After retirement, he was associate editor of Mennonitische Rundschau, translated German historical documents, and served with summer ministries in Ecuador, Nigeria, Russia, and Ukraine. His hobby was researching Mennonite and family history. William survived a lightning strike, a severe fall, cancer, and radiation damage. As his public ministry diminished, his intercessory prayer increased. Predeceased by 4 siblings, 2 siblings in infancy; William is mourned by Hilda; children David (Mary Lou Von Niessen), Ruth (Gilbert “Charlie” Levasseur), William James (Zuweri Fero), Sandra (Marlowe Rempel), Judith (Jim Falk); 8 grandchildren; 5 step-grandchildren; 3 step-great-grandchildren; 3 siblings. The funeral was at Fort Garry MB Church, Winnipeg.
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