Owen received a medal for long service in the All Saints Anglican choir in 1937. At 14, he lost his father in a bicycle accident. Owen enlisted in the fire brigade in London, where he earned the British Defense medal. His day job was as tool designer draftsman for London Airplane. Before Owen immigrated to Canada in 1948, he became engaged to Pamela. Down to his last $10, he found work at Canadian Engineering & Took Company, Windsor, Ont. In 1970, Pam was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a spiritual awakening, which led Owen and son David to receive the Lord. After Pam’s death, Owen married Perrie. They worked for Pacific Coast Children’s Mission, Quadra Island, B.C., where Owen was manager. Owen worked for planned giving at Trinity Western University, Langley, B.C. – the best years of his life. He loved leading services and Bible studies at Maplewood House. Owen took many cruises. Books and theological conversations kept him sharp. Owen kept short accounts with God. He read the Bible and prayed several times a day, discovering new truths and asking God to help him apply the Word.
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