Norm grew up on a mixed farm where he learned many skills. He loved the outdoors: hunting, trapping and fishing, particularly with his uncle Rudolph. The Gitzel siblings’ school was 2 miles by foot, buggy or sleigh – depending on the season. After Norm completed Grade 8, he stayed at home to help run the farm. In his teens, Norm accepted Jesus as Saviour. The family attended a small, active church where Norm was exposed to good friends, missionaries and leaders who impacted his growing faith. After leaving home, Norm worked various jobs in northern Alberta, including trucking and heavy equipment operation. In 1963, he moved to Herbert, Sask., and partnered with Bill Redekop in a John Deere dealership. After Norm married Naomi, they moved to their farm north of Herbert, where they remained until retiring into town. Norm enjoyed his retirement, camping, boating and fishing at the Herbert Ferry Park. He rarely missed his daily visit at coffee row.
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