Mary’s mother died when Mary was three. Her father remarried. In 1926, because of the Russian revolution, the family immigrated to Canada, settling near Manitou, Man. At 11, after attending an evangelistic meeting in Manitou, Mary committed her life to God. She became a seamstress. She learned to play the piano and accompany congregational singing. At a Saengerfest near Mountainside, Mary’s vocal and autoharp solo “It is Well With my Soul” caught Jacob Martens’ attention. At their wedding, the barn loft was decorated with lilacs. Since sugar was rationed, they had meat patties and Plumi Moos instead of cake. They farmed near Enterprise, and then Boissevain – moving to town in 1983. Mary’s steadfast faith maintained her positive spirit. She enjoyed family trips to Clear Lake, Man.; Banff, Alta.; B.C.; and Black Hills, S.D. A highlight was Mary and Jake’s trip to Israel and Switzerland with Janz Team in 1975. Visitors were always welcome for pie-by-the-yard. Mary’s greatest desire was to “go up” to her eternal home.
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