At 16, Margaret committed herself to the Lord and began teaching Sunday school and singing in the choir at Morden MB Church. At Winkler (Man.) Bible Institute, she met Willie. Together, they felt called to international mission. Initially the door to Africa did not open, so Margaret and Willie worked under the United Church with First Nations in northern Manitoba. In 1946, they travelled to Congo via boat. Their task was to build their own home and establish a church, school and medical clinic as they shared Jesus. Travel was by foot, canoe, and eventually, an imported Model T. During the 1960 unrest, they fled across the Angolan border and were evacuated to Germany. There were numerous trips between North America and Africa as Margaret and Willie operated a radio studio and helped the church take root. It was a rewarding life that pushed them to rely on God’s strength and guidance. After Willie’s death, Margaret lived in Port Rowan and Virgil, Ont. Her vision was to serve others. She upheld many people in her prayers.