Kornelia Klassen died Sept. 6, 2011. She was born May 30, 1927 in Kronsgarten, Ukraine to Kornelius and Anna Martens. Kornelia’s father was taken from them when she was 10. At her sister’s baptism in Gronau, Germany, as they were fleeing Russia, Kornelia accepted the Lord as Saviour. That year, she was baptized into the MB church. In 1948, Kornelia, along with her mother and sister, settled in Clearbrook, B.C. Kornelia married Kornie Klassen, August 1979, and moved to Elm Creek, Man. Kornelia loved her Lord. She sent Bibles and literature to many in Russia and Germany. She loved to bake and share her creations and the gospel with others. After Kornie’s death, Kornelia moved to Donwood Manor, Winnipeg, and became a member at Elmwood MB Church.
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