In 1943, Katherine’s family left Ukraine for Germany. Due to the threat that Russia would force their return, MCC found them a new home; they passed through Berlin’s Russian territory without capture. In Chaco, Paraguay, her parents pioneered with MCC’s help. There, Katherine accepted Jesus as personal Saviour with friends. After 7 years, the family immigrated to Canada, settling in Port Rowan, Ont. Katherine studied at Eden Christian College and MB Bible Institute, Kitchener, Ont., where she chose to completely surrender to God. Following teacher’s college in London, Ont., Katherine taught Grade 6 at Grimsby Beach, Ont. She attended MB Bible College, Winnipeg, and stayed to teach an inner-city Bible club and help launch Living Bible Explorers. She taught at Champlain School, and completed a BA at University of Winnipeg. Katherine and Art moved to Steinbach, and she taught 4 years in Grunthal, Man. At birth, their son Jonathan had diaphragmatic hernia and a 50/50 chance; he was rushed for surgery, and recovered. Katherine earned a post baccalaureate in education, a resource teaching degree, and an Orff Schulwerk music program. She taught elementary school in Seine River school division, Man. She was grateful for God’s work in her life.
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