In Ukraine in the late 1930s, Justa sacrificed to help her family survive, labouring on a collective farm. The men aged 16–65 in her community were forcibly taken to labour camps, and as the oldest child, Justa carried a lot of responsibility. Food was rationed, but the family sang together and relied on God. Justa, her mother, and sisters escaped to Germany. She claimed Jesus as Saviour and was baptized. In 1948, Justa and her family immigrated to Paraguay. Here, she met and married Henry. In 1953, they immigrated to Winnipeg, where Justa worked full-time in a sewing factory and helped Henry start Pauls NK Grocery until their 3 children arrived. No job was more important to Justa than making a home. Justa served North Kildonan MB Church ladies’ group and committees. She loved sewing, quilting, crocheting, reading, and doing word search puzzles. She delighted in hosting family and friends at her home and cottage. She was proud of her grandchildren and was eagerly awaiting her second great-grandchild’s arrival. Her greatest loss was Henry’s death 1 month before her own. Justa’s smile could light up a room.