Jake taught in Kitseguecla and Alert Bay, B.C. After attending MB Bible College, Winnipeg, Jake earned his BA at University of B.C. Right after their wedding, Jake and Agnes left for a 3-year adventure teaching MCC missionary children in Peru. In 1968, Jake took a 2-year teaching assignment in Jamaica with CIDA. Jake and Agnes spent the next 28 years in B.C., where Jake taught math and started a Bible literature class at Prince George Secondary School. He enjoyed his role on the provincial math revision committee. Jake served Westwood MB Church, Prince George, as elder, care group leader and adult Sunday school teacher. He also initiated the MCC Fall Fair and served the Canadian MB board of education. After retiring, the pull of the grandchildren brought Jake and Agnes to Langley, B.C., in 1998. Though health issues slowed him down, Jake taught English in St. Petersburg, Russia, with Trinity Western University. At North Langley Community Church, he and Agnes led a care group and worked with Alpha. His last years were filled with gratitude, family vacations, puzzles and reconnecting with old friends from their adventures serving God together around the world. He died while Agnes sang to him.