Jacob’s father died when Jacob was 2. In 1943, his family left their homeland on The Great Trek. At 13, he was drafted into the German Country Service Camp. He was reunited with his mother 22 years and his brothers 32 and 34 years later. From ages 15–18, Jacob worked for a farmer in Germany. With MCC’s help, he arrived in Canada in 1948. He worked on a farm in Boissevain, Man., for 5 years. Jacob met Agnes in Winnipeg in 1954. He was a carpenter and builder. In retirement, Jacob and Agnes volunteered 6 terms on building projects with Trans World Radio in Austria and Slovakia. Jacob experienced the sudden death of a daughter, hearing loss, Parkinson’s disease, and cancer. An avid storyteller, Jacob was a thankful man who knew God was in control. He loved his family, his church and his freedom in Canada. He lived with purpose, served God wholeheartedly and shared his faith gladly. Jacob claimed the promise of Psalm 121 and lived by the motto of Psalm 103:2.
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