After studying at MB Bible College, Winnipeg; Tabor College and Wichita State University, Kan.; earning an MA in history, H.R. pastored First Baptist Church, Durham, Kan., and Henderson (Neb.) MB Church. In 1956, he became dean and professor at MBBC, and directed Camp Arnes for 3 summers. He accepted a call from Portage Avenue Church, Winnipeg, in 1962. As president of Winkler (Man.) Bible Institute 1969–78, H.R. initiating a season of growth. After leading Kingwood Bible (MB) Church, Salem, Ore., he accepted 5 one-year interim pastorates at Kamloops (B.C.) MB; Grace Mennonite, Winkler; Elm Creek (Man.) MB; Lakeview MB, Lethbridge, Alta.; and Henderson MB Churches. His last pastorate was Immanuel Baptist, Salem. H.R. organized 4 missions to India, 12 trips to Israel, and 2 to the former U.S.S.R. H.R. taught his children to live for God, encouraged youth toward an education, and visited the ill and grieving. People of all ages were drawn to him.
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