Helena Friesen died Nov. 11, 2011. She was born April 22, 1922 in Tshongrau, Ukraine to Jakob and Katharine Wiens. Helena was committed to her walk with Christ. Her family fled to Moscow in 1929, and in 1930 to Germany. From there, they moved to Krauel, Brazil. It was difficult turning jungle into farm land. At 12, Helena lost her mother and became caretaker of the family. Helena married Geraldo Friesen in 1942. Their wedding gift was a parcel of land, on which they started a dairy farm. Helena was baptized in 1947. In 1949, Helena and Geraldo moved to Bage, Brazil, to grow wheat. After crop failures, they moved to west Brazil, then Witmarsum. The family immigrated to Canada in 1969, settling first in Kitchener, Ont., and in 1985, in St. Catharines, Ont., where they joined Scott Street MB Church. As their health began to fail, Helena and Geraldo moved to Tabor Manor. After Gerald’s death in 2010, Christian TV programs and chapels at Tabor helped her spiritual journey. Helena took delight in her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. She loved to cook, bake, and serve unselfishly. Predeceased by Geraldo, sons Geraldo, Paul Gerhard, 2 sons-in-law, granddaughter Regina Rogalsky, 2 great-grandsons, 6 siblings in infancy; Helena is mourned by children Matilde (Ernesto) Jansen, Helena Rogalsky, Marly (Hans) Martens, Aganeta Fast, Hildegard Penner, Bruno (Ella); 24 grandchildren; 47 great-grandchildren.
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