George’s childhood was filled with the adventure of moves to farms across Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba. He was immediately enchanted with Kathy. After working for Manitoba Sugar Factory, Pepsi Cola and the farm, he decided Kathy deserved hay-feverless air, so he moved the family to Niverville, Man. He proved himself reliable at Trident Construction, B.F. Klassen Construction and Gardon Construction, and was promoted to construction site supervisor, always ready for a new challenge. When George asked God to save his sick infant, he realized his own life needed God’s touch, and he accepted the new life Jesus offered. He was a valued member of Salem Community Bible Church’s board of trustees. George would walk around the house with a guitar, singing hymns, Johnny Cash songs and self-written ballads. He tried to retire 6 times. George taught his family the value of hard work, frugality and resourcefulness. They felt treasured. Three grandchildren became part of George and Kathy’s home and called him “Dad.” George grew in his relationship with God; when he made mistakes, he learned to ask for forgiveness and make things right.
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