Esther Klassen died Aug. 22, 2011 at 94. She was born Aug. 22, 1917 in Langham district, Sask. to Peter A. and Ida Janzen. The family moved to Neville, Sask., in 1929, where they attended Blumenort MB Church. Here, Esther accepted Jesus at 13. In 1931, the family moved back to Langham. Here they attended the Neuhoffnung MB Church where Esther was baptized at 19. Esther graduated from Bethany Bible School in 1948 after attending 4 summers of vacation Bible school. In 1947, Esther began working on berry farms in Langley, B.C. April 1951, Esther met Corny Klassen. They married July 1951. Predeceased by Corny, 7 siblings; Esther is mourned by 1 sister; nieces and nephews. The memorial was at Ross Road Community Church (MB), Abbotsford, B.C.