Elmer graduated from Herbert (Sask.) School in 1934, and studied agriculture at University of Saskatchewan. He married childhood sweetheart Mary in Winnipeg, and they lived at the ranch north of Morse, Sask., nearly 71 years. In 1973, they sold this and Big Coulee Ranch to their sons. Elmer was a commercial cattle breeder with
cross-breeding programs going back to the 1940s. He was a director and a life member of Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association, serving 3 years as president. Elmer was a Saskatchewan director to Canadian Cattleman’s Association for 10 years, chairman of Horned Cattle Trust Fund, and director and judge at the first Canadian Western Agribition (1971). He was agricultural representative for the RM of Morse for 15 years, councillor for the RM of Vermillion Hills for 14 years, director for Morse Rural Telephones, member of the Log Valley school board, and a 4-H leader for 10 years. He was an elder of the United Church in Herbert. Elmer still participated in branding in his 80s. He was involved in his grandchildren’s activities.