Elizabeth’s family immigrated to Canada in 1928, settling near Fairholm, Sask. She enjoyed math at Jackpine School, but she was happy to stop at Grade 6 and work at home. When bad weather forced her family to have church at home, at 9, with her father’s help, Elizabeth accepted Jesus as Saviour. She never doubted her salvation, but recommitted her life to Jesus as a teen. She attended 2 years of Dalmeny (Sask.) Bible School, and after her family’s 1948 move to Yarrow, B.C., she completed a certificate in Bible teaching. Elizabeth taught 18 girls at Yarrow MB. She did housekeeping and picked berries, hops and beans. Whenever her siblings needed help with children, Elizabeth lent a hand. She cared for her mother until her death in 1964. When she married Philip, she was delighted to become an instant grandma. After Philip’s death, she moved near her sister in Saskatoon and worked in a restaurant. Returning to B.C., Elizabeth married George. At Clearbrook MB Church, she served in the ladies group and choir and did door-to-door evangelism. She washed dishes in the Garden Park kitchen and sewed blanket toppers with Helping Hands. Although saddened by George’s sudden death, she stayed active, travelling to Alaska, Hawaii, Greece, Palestine and the Caribbean. Many friends enjoyed her faithfulness and spunk.
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