Dick’s family immigrated to Canada in 1926, settling first in Manitoba, then in Yarrow, B.C. Dick worked hard with his father on the farm and in hop yards to support the family. At an evangelistic meeting, Dick committed his life to Christ in his early teens. He attended 2 terms at Elim Bible School, Yarrow, B.C. He was a conscientious objector during WWII. Dick met Marion at church. They began married life in Vancouver until 1956, then moved to Black Creek for 10 years, followed by time in Kamloops and Clearbrook, B.C. At 54, Dick felt God’s call to Indonesia for a 2-year mission term. He and Marion were managers and hosts of a missionary guesthouse 1978–1980. He entered wholeheartedly into the challenges. Dick also worked as truck driver, bookkeeper, property manager, and tile setter. In his 20-year retirement, he volunteered with too many organizations to list. Dick lived a life of integrity and service to God and others. He always valued people before possessions. Using his spiritual gifts of hospitality, generosity, and encouragement, Dick loved others freely and deeply.
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