Arthur Dick died Feb. 1, 2012. He was born Mar. 18, 1933 in Lethbridge, Alta., to Bernhard and Gredel Dick. Art became a Christ-follower in his youth and was baptized into Coaldale (Alta.) MB Church. He married Helen Loewen Aug. 30, 1957. He earned a medical degree from University of Manitoba in 1959. They worked in McCreary, Man., and in 1966, started a medical practice in Kelowna, B.C., where they became members of Willow Park (MB) Church. In 1982, Art and Helen began a 3-year term as medical missionaries in Zambia with Brethren in Christ Missions. In 1988, they began work in Zimbabwe. Art was able to have his heart valve replaced with a new one in 1986, and again in 1996, defying the 50-year life expectancy proscribed before the advent of such surgeries. Art concluded his medical practice in Keremeos, B.C., where he and Helen were members of Similkameen (MB) Christian Fellowship. In 2000, they retired to Peachland, B.C. There, they joined Power Creek Missionary Church. Art was diagnosed with cancer, but never lost his sense of humour and positive outlook. Predeceased by 3 siblings, Art is mourned by Helen; children Harvey (Gwen), Sylvia (Stewart Wright), Mel (Monika); 7 grandchildren; 4 siblings.
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