After a devastating harvest during the dirty thirties, Nettye’s family moved from their farm in Holmfield, Man., to rented land in Killarney, Man. In 1937, they sold their animals because they had no feed and moved to Leamington, Ont. At 11, Nettye picked berries to help support her family but returned to school long enough to finish Grade 8. While living in a shack for $5 a month, Nettye accepted Jesus at 13. Her first job was at the HJ Heinz factory, where she worked, eventually in management, until her marriage. Leaving her family to move to the farm at Campden, Ont., required a pioneering spirit and ability to “do without.” Nettye and Abe were united in their love for the Lord, his work and his workers. Nettye directed her children to God and prayed for them daily. She hosted groups of 20 or more regularly. Nettye loved music; she met Abe at a songfest and taught all her children piano, without knowing how to play herself. She called her plants her “babies” and shared produce with friends and family. Nettye had a stroke Apr. 9.