Raising daughters of the King Raising a daughter is not for the faint-hearted. Parents battle a world that does everything possible to open innocent eyes and awaken inappropriate desires far …
June 2012
During my 20 years of pastoral work, I’ve often wondered why God called me into vocational ministry. I never felt general pastoral ministry suited me very well. Now, I understand …
Does God really care about me?” Family Life Network’s Beautiful Unique Girl (BUgirl) interns reach out to young girls in an attempt to help them find an answer to this …
“I’ve been told I’m fat and ugly more times than I can count.” Because she had heard the same message over and over, the student believed it was true. She …
Sometimes God speaks on mountaintops. He spoke to my father, and 70 years later to me, in a barn. When my parents, Johann and Liese Dick, arrived from Russia in …
When I decided – in my confident, teenage way – to go to university in a city far from family, I didn’t really know how alone I would feel. I …
Columbia Bible College, Abbotsford, B.C., celebrated the 2012 commencement ceremony Apr. 21 at Northview Community (MB) Church, Abbotsford, B.C., awarding 54 certificates, 45 diplomas, and 50 bachelor degrees. Joanne Pepper, …
I’ve never worked on a farm or in agriculture, but I know the key principle of the industry: everything needs water to grow. Very little thrives without it – plants, …
Introducing Steve Savage, Jonathan Silverthorn, Jeff Siemens, Stacy Kuhns, Heidi Schmidt Changes for Jason and Corina Reimer, Aldon Loeppky Farewell to Kristen (Willems) Durston, Terry Sawatzky, Paul Loewen
- MB HeraldNewsPeople and Events
Control of MCC programming shifts north: $2.5-million Wineskins process wraps up
by Will BraunMennonite Central Committee’s four-year, $2.5-million review process is over, and the single most significant outcome is a power shift from MCC’s Akron, Pennsylvania office to its Winnipeg office. MCC binational, …
Raising a Modern-Day Princess Authors: Pam Farrel and Doreen HannaAt first glance, Raising a Modern Day Princess seems to be a Christian version of Toddlers and Tiaras, deceptively encouraging Christian …
On the weekend of Apr. 20–Apr. 22, Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg, formally recognized the accomplishments of its students during its 2012 graduation exercises. Bachelor degrees were awarded to 78, program …
In 2001, I was physically and emotionally overwhelmed by a difficult pregnancy and a toddler who wouldn’t stop.
A Surrey, B.C., Mennonite Brethren church has closed its second campus and reduced its staff. Gracepoint, in South Surrey, had been operating a second site at the Bell Theatre for …
Twenty-two years ago, I was born to two wonderful people, Eugene and Melina Cook. I am the middle child of their three girls. Dad was a traditional aboriginal man; he …