Home PeopleAppointments Who is the NMT? – Spring 2019

Who is the NMT? – Spring 2019

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The National Ministry Team is a strategic group of senior staff who work collaboratively to accomplish national vision within the Mennonite Brethren family in Canada. It is comprised of provincial conference leaders, the seminary president, church planting and global mission directors from Multiply, the national faith and life director, and the national director of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches. The NMT casts vision for Canadian MB churches, and prepares a budget and strategic plan for presentation at provincial assemblies.

Ed Willms

Executive director, Ontario Conference of MB Churches

On the local church: I’m presently involved in the relaunch of Northend Church in St. Catharines, Ont. This includes practical support from painting/cleaning to team support and development. I sit on the transitional leadership team, lead a small group, and provide some pulpit support.

The most significant challenge is being at peace with offering encouragement and entrusting
the rest to the Lord as they struggle with issues I can’t fix.

Recommended resource: A significant book for me in this time of ministry has been Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for A Complex World by General Stanley McChrystal, U.S. Army, retired. This fascinating book has been reshaping how I envision collaborative efforts among our churches across Ontario and in Canada. It has proven to be most stimulating at this moment in time in the things God has before me.

Paul J Loewen

Provincial director, Alberta Conference of MB Churches

On the local church: My primary connection with my home church is in some leadership to a life group (coaching and teaching), worship team (playing bass), and preaching a few times a year.

Recommended resource: I’ve been engaging in Jordan B. Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life (which I’m using on a monthly basis to read/discuss with my three sons). I find Peterson’s deep thinking and research is refreshing in the many ways it both agrees with and challenges Christian viewpoints. He pushes me to think both deeper and more broadly about many of the current issues facing our culture, and Canada in particular.

Alain Després

Provincial coordinator, Association des Églises des Frères Mennonites du Québec / Quebec MB conference

On the local church: With my wife Diane, we have the responsibility of the family life ministry at Église Chrétienne de Sainte-Thérèse (i.e., Christian education for children, youth group for teenagers, mentoring young adults, and coaching families). We are also responsible for the choir and an Alpha group.

Best pastoral advice: “Be part of the church. Church isn’t a game.” I remember this every time I do something for the church.
Because Quebec is becoming more and more secular, my prayer for the Quebec churches is that they can continue to grow and make Jesus known through their relations with the community – one to one in relationships and through activities with local community organizations.

The National Ministry Team exists to inspire, equip, and encourage the church for effective ministry and mission in Canada and beyond.

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