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Study conference books

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Mennonite Brethren from across Canada will gather on October 27–29, 2011, at Kitchener (Ont.) MB Church to engage in theological reflection around The Mystery of the Cross.

Rooted in God’s Word and our shared Confession of Faith, sessions will practically address what it means for Mennonite Brethren to affirm Christ as the centre of their being and their mission. Together, Study Conference attendees will explore God’s love and grace, our sin and God’s response to it, and how Christ fulfilled all the shades of atonement.

The Board of Faith and Life reading list for The Mystery of the Cross study conference in Kitchener Waterloo, Ont., Oct. 27–29.

The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith
Timothy KellerExploring Jesus’ most familiar parable, Keller reveals God’s prodigal grace toward both the irreligious and moralistic, challenging the devout and skeptics to see Christianity in a new way. 

Confession of Faith Commentary and Pastoral Application

This book contains each of the 18 articles of faith followed by commentary to present the biblical background and a pastoral application to discuss implementation of the article in the life of the church.

 Evil and the Justice of God
N.T. WrightWright explores the faces of evil in society today. Fully grounded in the story of the Old and New Testaments, this presentation is provocative and hopeful, a fascinating analysis of and response to the fundamental question of evil and justice that faces believers.What Was God Doing on the Cross? 
Alister E. McGrath

McGrath uses fresh language and relevant illustrations to impress on readers the almost unbelievable truth that God allowed himself to be executed for our sake.

Violence, Hospitality, and the Cross:  Reappro-priating the Atonement Tradition
Hans Boersma

Boersma offers a new model for understanding the atonement, sensitive to both the Christian tradition and its postmodern critics.



Click here for the extended reading list.

Click here for more information on the 2011 Study Conference.

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