Home News Pastor’s years of service celebrated

Pastor’s years of service celebrated

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After 19 years of serving at West Portal Church, Saskatoon, Dwayne Barkman resigned as senior pastor. The congregation marked Dwayne’s last Sunday as pastor with a celebration farewell and luncheon, July 27.

During the summer, West Portal’s children tried to “Stump the Pastor” by bringing him a small item in a box for which he had to provide a biblical connection, anecdote, or lesson – on the spot.

An avid Pepsi drinker, Dwayne’s last “Stump the Pastor” assignment was a glass of ice and a can of Coke. Like Coke’s slogan, the “Real Thing,” we should always be the real thing in our Christian lives, Dwayne explained after the laughter died down. “How we are on Sunday mornings should also be the way we are during the week.”

The special service also included a game of “Are You Smarter than a West Portal Pastor?” a slideshow, presentation of gifts, affirmation of ministry, thanks, and a prayer of blessing by conference minister Ralph Gliege.

Dwayne offered thanks to God, family, the congregation, the conference, and representatives of West Portal’s church plants, Living Hope and Faith River. Encouraging the church to honour interim senior pastor Kelly Wiebe and his wife Sandie, Dwayne challenged the church to make disciples and build the church with a gracious spirit.

Beginning Nov. 1, Dwayne will work part-time with the Canadian conference in discipleship and leadership development, based in Saskatchewan.

—Joanne Stein is the church reporter for West Portal Church, Saskatoon.

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