Home Life & Faithinspirational A community prayer for the Mennonite Brethren

A community prayer for the Mennonite Brethren

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Thank you for leading us to listen to one another.

May we sow peace in a world of conflict,
with the humility, compassion, and wisdom of Christ himself.

May we be a church that steps boldly out of our comfort zone
to cherish those who are broken, banish shame in our midst,
and break bread with those who challenge us.

May we be known as people who learn how to forgive,
who love honesty and justice, mercy and grace,
who don’t shortcut reconciliation.

May we be trusting and gracious, patient yet persistent,
visionary yet content with the still small ways God often works.

Thank you for leading us to be aware
of our brothers and sisters across the country.

May longing for the good old days
not detract from the joy
of a meaningful present and the hope
of a fruitful future.

May we be known as people committed
to the Great Commission, faithful to the teaching of the Bible,
lovingly counter-cultural, an undeceived
and faithful remnant.

May the Mennonites of Canada – of all stripes –
find ways to work together that transcend
the barriers we erect in the name of politics.

May God give wisdom through stories
that give us hope.

May we remember the times and places we met
in written word, on printed page, and never forget
how connecting through these lines
formed us as the people of God.

Thank you for leading us through
some of the most culturally tumultuous years we’ve known.

May we – who in name exemplify camaraderie and peace –
find ways to be those things to one another
and to the world writ large.

May our old wounds be healed.
May a new work begin that surprises us
with the ways God does his good among us.

May we become true ministers of the Lord’s peace.


In the spirit of Blaine Lake Gospel Chapel (“Prayers of the people,” Fall 2019) and Fort Garry MB’s college and career group (“A Community Psalm,” March 2017), we invited our readers to submit their prayers for the MB family and we wove them  into one.

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1 comment

Kevin K January 1, 2020 - 15:55

Beautiful. A fitting end. Thank-you.


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