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Carry your Confession everywhere

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Now available on your tablet, smartphone, or e-reader

Where does the Confession of Faith sit in your library?

“The hard copy is within arm’s reach; the soft copy is increasingly becoming a part of who I am,” says MBBS professor Randy Wollf. Now, through Kindred Productions’ release on ePUB, the hard copy can be as close as your smartphone or tablet.



“I see the MB Confession of Faith as a unifying source for interpreting and applying the biblical message within our faith communities,” says Manitoba MB conference minister Keith Poysti who has copies scattered through his office. “It’s wide enough to be hospitable to newcomers to the believers church and narrow enough to keep us focused on our Anabaptist convictions.”


“As a pastor, the sections I consulted most often were the biblical explanations about baptism and the expanded comments on Christianity and Other Faiths,” says Andrew Dyck, former pastor, now professor at MBBS/CMU, Winnipeg, where he’s using the Confession as a textbook for a seminary course on pastoral ministry.


The Centre for MB Studies, Winnipeg, regularly receives questions from pastors, Sunday school teachers, and interested church-goers about MB thinking on topics like creation, marriage, ordination, atonement, nonresistance, etc., says director Jon Isaak. The Confession’s 18 articles on the shape of Mennonite Brethren convictions, accompanied by commentary and pastoral application, provide a framework for these explorations.


The Confession is not a sterile doctrinal statement, but reads as a dynamic and compelling expression of biblical faith,” says Wollf, who most often opens it to Article 2: The Revelation of God. “The Confession’s emphasis on a community hermeneutic gives me insight into how we can discern God’s direction in our leadership teams.”

Contact Kindred Productions to order your copy.

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