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Book notes on peace

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Keeping in Step with the God of Peace: The Biblical Theology of Pacifism
Arden Thiessen

Steinbach Bible College, 2008
208 pages


This is a well-researched, biblically sourced, but highly readable examination of pacifism by a former professor and academic dean at Steinbach (Man.) Bible College. Arden Thiessen defines his terms, clarifying his usage as contrasting with others, then spends a good portion of the book examining Old Testament violence – not with a view to defend God, but to seek a more unified understanding of God and his message of peace. The book does not end with an examination of Jesus, but follows through to the end of the Bible by also addressing peace in the church, personal practice, and the future victory described in Revelation.

—Karla Braun


Defenseless Christianity: Anabaptism for a Nonviolent Church
Gerald J. Mast & J. Denny Weaver

Cascadia Publishing House, 2009
135 pages



In this scholarly exploration of nonviolence in historical Anabaptism and its implications for the church today, the authors posit that the key aspect of reconciled relationship in Christ is defenselessness, and that peace is not peripheral but central to the gospel.

—Karla Braun



Reconcling all things


Reconciling All Things: A Christian Vision for Justice, Peace and Healing
Emmanuel Katongole & Chris Rice

InterVarsity, 2008
165 pages



Center for Reconciliation founders Emmanuel Katongole and Chris Rice use personal experiences and historic examples to illustrate their roadmap for reconciliation work. Reconciliation is not a theory or an achievement, they teach, but a gift of God, an invitation to a story, a journey with God’s new creation as the goal. They highlight the place of Scripture to inspire the “madness” in individuals who “reshape the present according to a vision of the future,” and teach the importanceof prayer, theological reflection, and Sabbath-keeping in those who would be leaders in reconciliation.

—Karla Braun


Living Gently in a Violent World: The Prophetic Witness of Weakness
Stanley Hauerwas & Jean Vanier

InterVarsity, 2008
115 pages


Theologian Stanley Hauerwas and L’Arche founder Jean Vanier discuss how these caring communities for persons with disabilities can teach the church about peace and acceptance. Full of personal experiences, this easy read makes profound observations about acceptance of suffering and disability, the importance of relationship over power, and the slow daily work of creating peace in everyday life.

—Karla Braun

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