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5 Questions: Living Hope Church

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Church Living Hope Church
Pastor: Joel Diamond
Location: Saskatoon

What is your church’s mission statement?

“Guiding people to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ as Saviour, Lord, and friend.”

What makes your church unique?

We are a collection of people who’ve fallen through the cracks of larger churches. We come from a variety of denominational backgrounds, providing many different perspectives – and occasionally points of conflict! Everyone is young, working; we only have one retiree.

What was the defining moment for your congregation?

Our lead pastor and church planting founder passed away of cancer rather suddenly three years ago. The church was faced with growing up in a hurry. We formed a board that functions as elders and deacons, tending to financial and spiritual matters. The church is learning how this works even as many board members take on leadership roles for the first time. Now, after three years of introspection – grieving and learning to function in absence of our former pastor – we’re turning to more of an outward focus. Now is the time to move forward.

How would you describe your congregation?

We’re a young congregation – 7 years old in church existence. We’re also young in age – students, working people, young families. Our service, held on Sunday evenings, appeals to a lot of shift workers. We’re not a mainstream congregation and we’re not bogged down by 50-year-old traditions.

What does it mean for your church to be evangelical Anabaptist?

We have a unique heritage.

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